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BSI names Harold Pradal as head of global Assurance business
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Pradal takes on the role of President, Assurance Services, nearly five years after joining BSI as the Group Chief Commercial Officer, following 16 years in senior strategic and operational leadership roles at International SOS and GE Healthcare.

BSI’s Assurance Services division is a global leader in the delivery of independent assessment and verification to standards or audit programs, enabling organizations to build trust with their customers and consumers.

Pradal stated, "I am humbled to lead BSI’s Assurance division, and excited by our mission to help solve global societal challenges from sustainability to digital security and other critical issues like modern slavery".

Additionally, Pradal has been appointed as a Board member of the Independent International Organisation for Assurance (IIOA) to represent BSI. The IIOA is a trade association engaging a wide array of assurance bodies to deliver tangible value ranging from quality and sustainability to health safety and well-being. Pradal stated, "I look forward to partnering with the team and other organizations at IIOA, to increase the positive impact on society through assurance."

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